We are all just walking
each other Home.
Ram Dass
Peace can be yours
Listen to Amy talk about what she hears most often from clients navigating the dying process — and how she responds from her heart.
Amy loves to gather, lead, teach, encourage, support, and inspire — all in the name of elevating the human experience of dying, death, and the afterlife.
Join online and in-person gatherings — and download recorded offerings — that educate, illuminate, and inspire.
Book a private appointment, in person or virtual, with Amy for customized, compassionate support for the whole human.
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As seen in
Amy is passionate about dying + death education and empowerment. Her work is featured in global, national, and local projects and media coverage.
Get started
Interested in Amy's work but not sure where to begin?
Get to know her work by listening to her on the A(theist) podcast.
Check out her Vimeo and Instagram channels.
Sign up for her online and in-person small-group classes and talks.
Book a one-on-one appointment, available in-person or via Zoom.
"Once we all met with you, we were able to find so much peace and healing with Mom. Everyone was able to let go. You were so incredibly helpful. Much love to you!”
"My heart is filled with gratitude for the time I spent yesterday in your workshop. Thank you for answering the call. Your purpose is a true blessing and so needed in this world."
"Amy really helped open lines of communication in our family, fostering conversations that needed to be had to give everyone involved a deeper sense of peace. She is my hero!"
Sarah's Story